There are many different ways to purchase motorcycle insurance, and you’re likely to come across various types of discounts. You can shop around to find the best deal, or you can get it from a company that has a good reputation and is easy to deal with.
Most importantly, ensure you have the right amount of money on hand when you purchase your motorcycle insurance. For expert advice in the Pleasanton, CA area, give us a call at Miao Insurance Services.
Motorcycle Coverage: What You Need To Know
The most common discounts you’ll find on motorcycles are home and car insurance, collision, and theft insurance. Choosing the right option for you can be a lot harder than it looks like it, so make sure you’re reading up on the different things you can get for your money.
Many of them are simply a one-time deal, while others are continuously renewable. If you have a serious health condition or are prone to concussions, you may benefit more from a discount plan that offers you other benefits.
The best time to shop for motorcycle insurance is during the year-round season. The year-round availability allows more people to shop around and get the best deal. The most popular motorcycle insurance discounts are for one-time events such as cruise ships and vacation rentals. For more frequent passengers, there are also many discounts for monthly or annual policies.
Popular discounts include:
- Multiple cycle discount
- Multi-policy discount
- Continuous coverage discount
- Motorist safety discounts
- Insurance payment discount
- Experienced & safe motorist discount
Give Us A Call
There are multiple ways to get great motorcycle insurance, and the best way to find the right amount is to talk to a professional about your situation. For example, if you have a serious injury and need to get medical attention, you might want to consider getting medical insurance.
If you are new to the world of motorcycles and would like to start taking them for a test drive, you might want to consider getting a discounted insurance plan. For guidance from professionals, reach out to Miao Insurance Services, serving the greater Pleasanton, CA community.