How Does Home Insurance Help With My Belongings?

When you have a home insurance policy on your house, it comes with a variety of coverage types. There are many risks associated with owning a home, and these policies offer a broad range of coverage types to mitigate them. One of those types of coverage is for the belongings in the house. If you’re in the market for home insurance, we’re here to help. To learn more about it, call us at Miao Insurance Services in Pleasanton, CA today.

Understanding the Role of Belongings Coverage in Home Insurance

One of the types of coverage in these policies is to cover your belongings. This coverage is there for you just in case a damaging event damages or destroys your belongings. Often, a disaster, calamity, or accident that damages a home also damages some of the items inside it. When a damaging event does cause this kind of damage, this coverage can pay for replacements or repairs to the damaged items. This can make it much easier to recover from the event and get life back to what it was like before the incident.

Why Replacement Items Coverage is Important in Home Insurance

You may wonder if you need this coverage if you don’t have many expensive items. However, consider the cost of replacing the items in one room of your house. Many people would find it challenging to manage the cost of replacing just that one room. Imagine several rooms of items being damaged or destroyed. It would be extremely advantageous to have coverage for belongings.

How to Secure Your Home Insurance

To ensure that your belongings and your home are safe, you need to have a home insurance policy to cover it all. To find out more about these policies, give us a call at Miao Insurance Services in Pleasanton, CA.

Common Misperceptions About Homeowner’s Insurance

If you are a homeowner in the Pleasanton, CA, area, the odds are good that you have home insurance. If you have a mortgage, your lender probably requires it. Miao Insurance Services is pleased to provide coverage for many in our area.

There are some misperceptions, however, about homeowners insurance that you should be aware of:

Home insurance doesn’t cover wear and tear.

Home insurance requires proper maintenance. Wear and tear are generally not included. If a door, window, water heater, plumbing, or faucet requires replacement, it will not be covered.

Whether the average home is covered in case of flooding.

Flooding is not covered under a basic home insurance policy. Flood insurance is managed through the National Flood Insurance Program, which can be facilitated through Miao Insurance Services.

All insurance companies are the same.

This is a huge misperception. Insurance companies vary in products, service levels, and, yes, even rates. It can pay to compare.

You are covered for earthquakes.

Earth movement is generally not covered under a basic homeowners insurance policy. This can include landslides and earthquakes.

Get an insurance review today.

If you own a home in the Pleasanton, CA, area, we encourage you to contact us at Miao Insurance Services to discuss your coverage. We can review your policy, answer your questions, help cover any gaps or concerns, and provide a price quote. You may even qualify for a better rate. You will likely get greater peace of mind.

If you have questions or misperceptions about your home insurance, contact us at Miao Insurance Services.

The History of Homeowners Insurance

Everyone is aware that if you’re a homeowner with a mortgage on your home, homeowners’ insurance is required. It’s also known that once your mortgage is paid off, it’s not required to maintain your homeowner’s insurance, but it’s recommended that you do. No one can ever predict when an issue might arise that requires you to file a claim. Homeowners’ insurance can provide homeowners with peace of mind in case an unfortunate event occurs. However, what did homeowners do before the invention of homeowners’ insurance? 

The History of Homeowners’ Insurance

Even though many people never think about it, homeowners insurance wasn’t always as comprehensive as it is now, even though it existed in some form during ancient times. It wasn’t until the 1700s that homeowners’ insurance really began to become popular. Charleston, SC is the city where the first homeowners’ insurance policy that covered fire was created. Many homes during those times were made of wood, and fires were prevalent since wood is such a combustible material. Prior to the introduction of homeowners’ insurance, many homeowners experienced financial disasters after losing their homes following fires. This is why the introduction of the insurance company was so well-appreciated. 

 After its origination, insurance companies continued to make valuable changes to how homeowners’ insurance policies worked, and it was improved over the years. Without these improvements, current homeowners would pay separately for lighting, fire, and more. Now, all of these coverages are combined and included under one plan. 

Reach Out To Us

If you’re looking for a new company that provides homeowners insurance, you might want to consider our company, Miao Insurance Services. Covering the Pleasanton, CA area, Miao Insurance Services is a great company that offers affordable rates and great service. If you’re a Pleasanton, CA resident, and you’re interested in switching, give us a call today. 

What is the advantage of having a home insurance plan in California?

Owning a home in the Pleasanton, CA area has continued to be a great idea and investment. When you do own a property here, it will provide you with a stable place to live and will offer various long-term financial benefits. For those that are looking to buy a property here, getting insurance for it needs to be a top priority.

There are a lot of advantages that come when you have a home insurance plan in this state:

Cover Dwelling

A top advantage of having a home insurance plan for your California property is that it can help to cover your dwelling. If you are going to buy a home, you will want to know that your investment is covered. When you get a home insurance policy, it will give you the support you need to make repairs or replacements. The plan can also provide coverage for personal items if you incur a loss due to theft or another covered risk. 

Meet Obligations

You also should get a home plan in California to meet your obligations. If you have taken out a loan to buy a house or live in a home association, you likely have obligations regarding insurance coverage. When you have the right plan, you can stay in good standing with the requirements. 

Give Us A Call

There are a lot of great reasons to purchase a home insurance plan when you own your own home in the Pleasanton, CA area. If you are looking to get this coverage here, it can be ideal to start your search by calling Miao Insurance Services. As you are shopping for a new plan, our team with Miao Insurance Services can help you create a policy that will provide the right support for you and your home. 

Does Home Insurance Cover Home Personal Injury Lawsuits?

In many cases, home insurance policies cover personal injuries. Check with your Miao Insurance Services agent in Pleasanton, CA to make sure the policy you choose has liability and medical coverage. Also, there are some exclusions, so be sure to read the policy carefully.

Is an Invited Guest Is Hurt, Are You Covered?

Invited guests are covered up to the liability limits of your home insurance policy. Typically, pain and suffering, medical bills and other damages are eligible. Most homeowners policies also cover legal costs if your guests or their insurance company takes you to court. Defense costs are included under your liability limit.

Medical payments coverage pays for medical bills whether you are legally responsible or not. However, the limit is much lower. For some claims, your guest has to prove your negligence caused the accident. For example, if your friend falls after you mopped your floor, you may be liable for their medical costs.

What Else Is or Is Not Covered?

Many policies include injuries due to your dog biting a friend or stranger. However, any intentional act is excluded. So, if you get into an altercation and intentionally injure someone, your homeowners policy won’t cover defense costs. Your guests are not compensated if they engage in reckless activity. Your medical payments coverage may pay their medical costs as a sign of good will but your liability insurance won’t.

Does Your Homeowners Liability Insurance Cover Family Members?

Immediate family members that live with you are not covered by your homeowners liability policy. However, your homeowners policy covers you and family members in the home. Your agent can answer more specific questions after reviewing the policy you choose.

Give Us A Call

Contact us today at  Miao Insurance Services to make an appointment to talk about the insurance you need for your home in Pleasanton, CA. Stop by the office or give us a call to get more information. 

Five Good Ways To Maker Your Home Safer

Keeping the house safe is a priority for most homeowners, especially those with children. Taking the proper precautions to keep your home safe can not only give you more peace of mind, but it can also help with homeowner’s insurance. At Miao Insurance Services, serving Pleasanton, CA, we would like to help you get started with these five tips to keep your home as safe as possible.

1. Always Lock All Doors

Home invasions can happen easily by forgetting to leave a door or window open. If you have a sliding glass door for the entryway into the backyard, don’t forget to lock that as well. You might also want to consider heavy-duty bolts for extra protection.

2. Use Your Alarm System

Alarms work, but only if you use them properly. Systems available in 2021 are far more advanced, picking up any exterior movements, alerting authorities instantly for suspicious activities, and even the presence of carbon monoxide.

3. Use Exterior Lights

Exterior lighting is an affordable and effective way to keep intruders out. Sensor lighting can easily be installed should an unwelcome guest stray toward the home. 

4. Avoid Posting On Social Media When Not At Home

Announcing to the world that you’re on a ten-day vacation isn’t the best idea, as it lets thieves know your home is an easy target. Only let trusted family members and friends know where you are. Consider having a friend or neighbor check the house.

5. Think About The Garage

The garage is a forgotten place of entry for burglars. Your garage door opener is better kept inside the house rather than inside the car.

Miao Insurance Services would like to discuss your next home insurance policy. Contact us today for a free estimate in Pleasanton, CA. 

What Types of Water Damage Are Covered by My Homeowners’ Insurance?

Water that makes its way into your home can cause thousands of dollars worth of damage. The question is whether or not your insurance will cover the cost of the repairs. At Miao Insurance Services, the agents are always available to answer questions about your homeowners’ insurance and what it covers. Pleasanton, CA residents who need answers about their homeowners’ insurance need to talk to an agent they trust.

Sudden and Accidental Types of Damage

Sudden and accidental types of damage can include a burst water pipe or brain damage that is caused by water getting in through a window that was damaged during a storm. Water damage caused by a limb knocking a hole in the roof or a wall would also be covered.

Gradual Types of Damage

Water damage that is caused by gradual means will not be covered. This can mean damage caused by broken plumbing that failed due to long-term wear and tear. If plumbing fails because it has been neglected or in need of repair, your insurance company won’t cover the repairs’ cost.

Flood Insurance

Basic homeowners’ insurance policies do not generally cover flood insurance. To be covered for flood damage, you would have to purchase a flood insurance policy in addition to your homeowners’ policy.

Determining the cause of water damage can be tricky sometimes. It’s essential to maintain your roof and plumbing to ensure both are in good condition. In Pleasanton, CA, the Miao Insurance Services agents make sure their clients understand what types of water damage are covered and what is not. Speak to an agent today to get the answers you need and the coverage you want.